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please contact EECA at fuel.economy@eeca.govt.nz

The safer the car, the safer they are

Getting it right

Fuel economy information. How to comply with regulations.

If you're a motor vehicle trader, you are required by law to print and display vehicle fuel economy labels on your vehicles for sale.

You also must include fuel economy information in your online listings (website, online sales platforms and social media).

New fuel economy testing standard.

The fuel economy testing standard has changed - find out what you need to know.

Safety rating labels indicate the safety performance of a vehicle using a rating out of 5 stars.

For help with this site, please contact MIA at registration@mia.org.nz

Introduction of CO2 accounts and transitioning from VinDirect to MIAMI

From 1 November 2022, VinDirect will be progressively phased out and replaced by MIAMI.
This transition will occur in phases and affects importers of new light vehicles, motorcycles and heavy vehicles.

Here's what you need to know to ensure your account is transitioned to MIAMI.

1 Nov 2022

MIAMI: Importers of new light vehicles will need to create a CO2 account in the Clean Car Standard system and enter the account number into MIAMI.

This will link your accounts and will only have to be done once. Learn more about loading CO2 accounts in MIAMI.

VINDIRECT: No changes to VinDirect.

1 Dec 2022

MIAMI: VIN notifications for new light vehicles will be uploaded to MIAMI. Existing MIAMI users can also load notifications for bikes and heavy vehicles.
Learn more about loading VIN notification files in MIAMI.

VINDIRECT: VinDirect will no longer accept the upload of VIN notification files for light vehicles. This will now take place in MIAMI.



  • New security system will be implemented.
  • VIN Notifications rolled out to bike and heavy vehicle distributors.
  • Model code, VIN decode and phase out management for all new vehicle types in MIAMI.
  • Importers can add a single VIN notification into MIAMI.

VINDIRECT: VinDirect will be decommissioned